Friday, November 13, 2009

Topic for the day? Winter

And not just anything about winter


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Topic of the Day: Caves

And no not the caves like, filled with bats and shit.

Caves like the song by Jack's Mannequin.

Now, why do you ask this is my topic of the day? Because I have decided that it is the best song that Jack's Mannequin has created. Ever.

At first listening to this song, the helplessness in Andrew's voice that scrapes through your headphones could almost be a turn off. But with further listening you realize that without that emotion in the beginning, it can't take you on the journey that it does.

It starts with his feelings of distress after he found he had luekemia and shifts into a stronger more rock felt beat as he starts singing where he realizes that he is going to fight this, and he is going to fight this hard.

It's just, marvelous.



Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Topic of Discussion for Today

So today while sitting and listening avidly to my journalism professor lecture us about the blogosphere, I got a tweet.

A tweet by none other than Alex Gaskarth.

So you can imagine that that caught my attention more than if the blogosphere was an okay way to get our news or not.

And this tweet had his gamertag.

Now to you none xbox 360 playing people of the world (and how sad it is to be you sans method to play games with others around the world) a gamertag is what we xbox 360 playing people use to befriend other fun people and play video games with them (or, more likely, enter epic, heated battles with each other)

Of course, my subscription has been up for awhile because college doesn't allow me much time to sit down and kill zombies and whatnot. However, I might have to rethink this. Ya know, as soon as I find out if I have the money to feed the microsoft company.

Now, Joey thought it would be funny if thousands of teeny boppers went and got xbox 360 accounts to vie for his love and attention. Which got me to visualize a WHOLE battle of Left For Dead amongst girls around the world.

& If you were wondering, in the end it came down to me and this canadian prepubescent zombie slaying goddess whose gamertag is candaianzombiesharpshooterx3 and me. And after much fighting (and much smack talk over the nifty headsets) I take her down in my Tank form.

And win Alex's love.


Interesting right?

So, might be reactivating the gamertag soon. :) If anyone is interested, vikitikitavi is the name

Hit me up


Well Hello There

Allow me to introduce myself

I, am Victoria K. Patneaude

This is me and my sister. But her name is disclosed cuz I know how some pervs can get

I'm currently a freshman at the University of Texas in Austin

I like to blow things out of proportion and I use blogs to get ideas for stories and scenarios out of my head.

My fave color is green.

And I am thoroughly convinced that I will marry someone in a band (Mainly Alex Gaskarth)

That is all.
